Question courtesy of Yahoo Answers:
Dear Love Geek,
My friend asked me if I wanted to watch her daughter so I didn’t have to go back to work and could stay home with my son. She is 6 weeks old: what is a fair price a week? Is $100 too much?
beybee momma
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That’s a very good question beybee. Baby pricing has actually been a hot topic in recent months. Like most markets in today’s economic climate, infant trading is quite volatile and subject to the strange temperaments of Asian markets.
Check out this story from the New York Post. One mother paid as much as $180k for her child! But don’t worry, that isn’t typical. The articles cites $100k as the baby-broker’s base price.
But before we start breaking down the monetary value of your friend’s daughter, it’s important to note that, according to this article, an average child (rather than a gifted or below-average one) will cost about $220k to raise to age eighteen (aka pre-college). So that’s a cost of about $235 per week that you’re going to incur right off the bat. Keep this number in mind when deciding a fair price to offer for your friend’s kid.
Since you’re asking for a weekly price, I’m assuming you’re looking to rent rather than buy. When trying to come up with a fair rental price it’s important to realize that the owner is most concerned with covering the cost of their mortgage payment. Luckily for us, Google Advisor offers a great tool you can use to estimate these payments.
The payment for a fifteen year fixed rate mortgage on a $100k baby comes out to $718/mo, or $179.50 per week. So to be fair to your friend, your offer probably shouldn’t stray too far below that amount.
I hope you haven’t yet forgotten the cost of utilities! Your weekly rent plus the utilities bill (food, diapers, pacifiers, etc.) brings you to a grand total of $414.50 per week. If you feel you’re ready to handle that sort of financial commitment, then congratulations! It’s a girl!
Again, this is all assuming your friend’s child is an average kid. Were she likely to grow up to be outrageously attractive or talented, that would obviously raise her appraised value of $100k, and we’d have to re-calculate the mortgage rate. Your utilities bill might be driven up as well, but that’s generally offset by the child’s earnings made prior to her emancipating herself from her over-bearing, greed-consumed mother (you).
Finally, remember that babies are a lot like puppies. They drop in price with age. If you and your friend can’t come to an agreement, let the kid get a few months older and try again. She’ll be likely to settle for less.
Hope this helps.
Love Geek