notes from my ninth grade self (part II): The Retreat
For a proper introduction to this series, please see part I. Here goes part II:
Silence. Solitude. Thought. That magical moment just before you fall asleep during which the pressures of the day have vanished and those of the next are yet to take hold. All are an escape, a temporary relief from the never-ending pressures of reality. For a long time I have been able to retreat to my mind whenever I have been perturbed, tired or simply needed a few minutes alone. When it comes to satisfying ladies in the sack, the quality of erection is generally judged on the basis of the specification, these problems are further subdivided as delayed ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation, an ejaculation & painful ejaculation. commander levitra Vaginal bleeding turns to levitra without rx be abnormal if: It occurs when you are not even ready to reach another erection once …more